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    《细胞生物学C》、《人兽共患病进展》、《预防兽医学进展》、 《兽医公共卫生学进展》等


赵凌,男,湖北十堰人。华中农业大学教授、博士生导师,公共卫生学系主任,华中农业大学农工党主委,农业微生物学国家重点实验室、湖北洪山实验室固定成员。国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者(2015)、“3551光谷人才计划”获得者(2014)。华中农业大学农学学士、硕士,美国佐治亚大学兽医病毒学博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院微生物系博士后。兼任中国畜牧兽医学会生物技术学分会常务理事,湖北省微生物学会理事。主要从事人兽共患病毒学研究,包括病毒致病与免疫机制研究,新型疫苗、佐剂和检测试剂的研发等。在Cell Host & Microbe, Genome Biology , Chemical Engineering Journal 和Journal of Virology(14篇)等期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章40余篇。担任Animal Diseases副主编,Virologica Sinica、Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology等期刊客座编辑,EMBO Molecular Medicine、PLoS Pathogens、Journal of Neurovirology等期刊审稿人。培养研究生30余人, 其中1人获“博士后创新人才支持计划”,2人获国奖,1人获大北农奖学金。


1996.09 - 2000.06, 华中农业大学,兽医专业,农学学士
2000.09 - 2003.06, 华中农业大学,预防兽医学,农学硕士
2004.09 - 2009.08, 美国佐治亚大学,兽医病毒学,博士






1.《Handbook of nucleic acid purification 》参编
2. 《犬猫传染病》参编
3. 《中国大百科全书》参编
4. 《动物检疫检验》(第二版)参编
1.Sui B, Chen D, Liu W, Wu Q, Tian B, Li Y, Hou J, Liu S, Xie J, Jiang H, Luo Z, Lv L, Huang F, Li R, Zhang C, Tian Y, Cui M, Zhou M, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhang Y*, Zhao L*. 2020. A novel antiviral lncRNA, EDAL, shields a T309 O-GlcNAcylation site to promote EZH2 lysosomal degradation. Genome Biol 21:228.
2.Ren MS, Zhou JJ, Song ZY, Mei H, Zhou M, Fu ZF, Han HY*, Zhao L*. 2021. Aptamer and RVG functionalized gold nanorods for targeted photothermal therapy of neurotropic virus infection in the mouse brain. Chemical Engineering Journal 411.
3.Zhang Y, Wu Q, Zhou M, Luo Z, Lv L, Pei J, Wang C, Chai B, Sui B, Huang F, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2020. Composition of the murine gut microbiome impacts humoral immunity induced by rabies vaccines. Clin Transl Med 10:e161.
4.Zhou JJ, Ren MS, Wang WJ, Huang L, Lu ZC, Song ZY, Foda MF, Zhao L*, Han HY*. 2020. Pomegranate-Inspired Silica Nanotags Enable Sensitive Dual-Modal Detection of Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein. Analytical Chemistry 92:8802-8809.
5.Zhang YN, Chen C, Deng CL, Zhang CG, Li N, Wang Z, Zhao L*, Zhang B*. 2020. A novel rabies vaccine based on infectious propagating particles derived from hybrid VEEV-Rabies replicon. EBioMedicine 56:102819.
6.Zhao J, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Zhang J, Pei J, Cui M, Fu ZF, Zhao L*, Zhou M*. 2021. A Novel Oral Rabies Vaccine Enhances the Immunogenicity through Increasing Dendritic Cells Activation and Germinal Center Formation by Expressing U-OMP19 in a Mouse Model. Emerg Microbes Infect doi:10.1080/22221751.2021.1923341:1-40.
7.Zhao J, Zeng Z, Chen Y, Liu W, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhao L*, Zhou M*. 2021. Lipid droplets are beneficial for rabies virus replication by facilitating viral budding. J Virol doi:10.1128/JVI.01473-21:JVI0147321.
8.Zhang C, Tian Y, Chen C, Wang Z, Pei J, Lin C, Zhou M, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2021. Virus-Like Vesicles Based on Semliki Forest Virus-Containing Rabies Virus Glycoprotein Make a Safe and Efficacious Rabies Vaccine Candidate in a Mouse Model. J Virol 95:e0079021.
9.Wang Z, Yuan Y, Chen C, Zhang C, Huang F, Zhou M, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2021. Colloidal manganese salt improves the efficacy of rabies vaccines in mice, cats, and dogs. J Virol doi:10.1128/JVI.01414-21:JVI0141421.
10.Chen C, Zhang C, Li H, Wang Z, Yuan Y, Zhou M, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2021. TLR4 regulates rabies virus-induced humoral immunity through recruitment of cDC2 to lymph organs. J Virol doi:10.1128/JVI.00829-21:JVI0082921.
11.Tian B, Yuan Y, Yang Y, Luo Z, Sui B, Zhou M, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2020. Interferon inducible GTPase 1 impedes the dimerization of rabies virus phosphoprotein and restricts viral replication. J Virol doi:10.1128/JVI.01203-20.
12.Luo Z, Lv L, Li Y, Sui B, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Pei J, Li M, Zhou M, Hooper DC, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2020. Dual Role of Toll-Like Receptor 7 in the Pathogenesis of Rabies Virus in a Mouse Model. J Virol 94.
13.Wang Z, Li M, Zhou M, Zhang Y, Yang J, Cao Y, Wang K, Cui M, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2017. A Novel Rabies Vaccine Expressing CXCL13 Enhances Humoral Immunity by Recruiting both T Follicular Helper and Germinal Center B Cells. J Virol 91.
14.Li Y, Zhou M, Luo Z, Zhang Y, Cui M, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2017. Overexpression of IL-7 extends the humoral immune response induced by rabies vaccination. J Virol doi:10.1128/JVI.02324-16.
15.Tian D, Luo Z, Zhou M, Li M, Yu L, Wang C, Yuan J, Li F, Tian B, Sui B, Chen H, Fu ZF*, Zhao L*. 2016. Critical Role of K1685 and K1829 in the Large Protein of Rabies Virus in Viral Pathogenicity and Immune Evasion. J Virol 90:232-44.
16.Wang Z, Zhou M, Fu Z, Zhao L*. 2021. The Pathogenic Features of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Possible Mechanisms for Immune Evasion? Front Immunol 12:693579.
17.Luo Z, Li Y, Zhou M, Lv L, Wu Q, Chen C, Zhang Y, Sui B, Tu C, Cui M, Chen H, Fu ZF, Zhao L*. 2019. Toll-Like Receptor 7 Enhances Rabies Virus-Induced Humoral Immunity by Facilitating the Formation of Germinal Centers. Front Immunol 10:429.
18.Tian B, Zhou M, Yang Y, Yu L, Luo ZC, Tian DY, Wang K, Cui M, Chen HC, Fu ZF*, Zhao L*. 2018. Lab-Attenuated Rabies Virus Causes Abortive Infection and Induces Cytokine Expression in Astrocytes by Activating Mitochondrial Antiviral-Signaling Protei Signaling Pathway. Frontiers in Immunology 8.
19.Zhao L#, Jha BK#, Wu A, Elliott R, Ziebuhr J, Gorbalenya AE, Silverman RH*, Weiss SR*. 2012. Antagonism of the interferon-induced OAS-RNase L pathway by murine coronavirus ns2 protein is required for virus replication and liver pathology. Cell Host Microbe 11:607-16.
20.Zhao L#, Birdwell LD#, Wu A, Elliott R, Rose KM, Phillips JM, Li Y, Grinspan J, Silverman RH, Weiss SR. 2013. Cell-Type-Specific Activation of the Oligoadenylate Synthetase-RNase L Pathway by a Murine Coronavirus. J Virol 87:8408-18.
21.Zhao L#, Rose KM, Elliott R, Van Rooijen N, Weiss SR. 2011. Cell-type-specific type I interferon antagonism influences organ tropism of murine coronavirus. J Virol 85:10058-68.
22.Zhao L#, Toriumi H#, Wang H#, Kuang Y, Guo X, Morimoto K, Fu ZF. 2010. Expression of MIP-1alpha (CCL3) by a recombinant rabies virus enhances its immunogenicity by inducing innate immunity and recruiting dendritic cells and B cells. J Virol 84:9642-8.
23.Zhao L#, Toriumi H, Kuang Y, Chen H, Fu ZF. 2009. The roles of chemokines in rabies virus infection: overexpression may not always be beneficial. J Virol 83:11808-18.


1. 狂犬病病毒通过TRIM25限制RIG-I通路激活的机制, 国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 2019-2022
2. 兽医传染病学, 国家自然科学基金(优青), 2016-2018
3. 狂犬病病毒mRNA加帽酶对病毒致病性和免疫逃避的影响, 国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 2014-2017
4. 重要神经嗜性人兽共患病免疫与致病机制研究-病原诱导天然免疫应答及其调控机制研究, 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016-2020
5. 欧盟和中国在主要动物传染病和人兽共患病领域的研究合作,欧盟FP7协议, 2016-2018



版权所有:Copyright © 华中农业大学 动物科学技术学院动物医学院




